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Adobe Creative Cloud fAll Apps EDU & Charity Per Workstation (EU) K-12 Shared Device Site Education License Lab and Classroom (25+ minimum order) 1 Year
Brand: Adobe
Model: ADB-CRE-EUD-A123
Availability: In stock
Quantity: 1000 pcs.
Explore endless creative possibilities. Get your students actively engaged in their learning by using Adobe creativity and design apps in the classroom. Adobe Express Design presentations, graphics, videos, and animatio...
Adobe Creative Cloud for enterprise All Apps EDU & Charity 1 User (EU English) STUDENT LICENSE (Min 100+)
Brand: Adobe
Model: ADB-CRE-EUD-A127
Availability: In stock
Quantity: 100 pcs.
Explore Adobe’s creativity and design apps. Whether they want to edit photos, make videos, create presentations, or design infographics, apps, or websites, Adobe’s creativity and design apps give students the...
Adobe Photoshop for teams Education & Charity 1 User (EU) Education Named License 1 Year Single App
Brand: Adobe
Model: ADB-PHO-EUD-A178
Availability: In stock
Quantity: 100 pcs.
Photoshop Algustage rakendusega Photoshop. Järgnevad hämmastavad fotod. Hankige kõik, mida vajate uhkete piltide, rikkaliku graafika ja uskumatu kunsti loomiseks.
Adobe Lightroom w Classic for teams Education & Charity 1 User (EU English) Education Named License 1 Year Single App
Brand: Adobe
Model: ADB-LRC-EUD-A176
Availability: In stock
Quantity: 100 pcs.
Lightroom Muutke oma fotod isikupäraseks. Generatiivse tehisintellekti abil saate eemaldada ükskõik mida vaid ühe hiireklõpsuga Lisage tehisintellekti toel hägustusefekt Kontrollige poo...
Adobe Illustrator for teams EDU & Charity 1 User (EU English) Education Named License 1 Year Single App
Brand: Adobe
Model: ADB-ILL-EUD-A162
Availability: In stock
Quantity: 100 pcs.
Adobe Illustrator Looge valdkonna juhtivate graafilise disaini tööriistadega kõike, mida saate ette kujutada. Kujundage Illustratori uusimate funktsioonide abil skaleeritavaid logosid, pakendeid, br&aum...
Adobe InDesign for teams EDU & Charity 1 User (EU English) Education Named License 1 Year Single App
Brand: Adobe
Model: ADB-IDT-EUD-A170
Availability: In stock
Quantity: 100 pcs.
Adobe Illustrator Looge valdkonna juhtivate graafilise disaini tööriistadega kõike, mida saate ette kujutada. Kujundage Illustratori uusimate funktsioonide abil skaleeritavaid logosid, pakendeid, br&aum...
Adobe Creative Cloud for enterprise All Apps Education & Charity Per Workstation (EU English) HED Shared Device Education License Lab and Classroom 1 Year
Brand: Adobe
Model: ADB-CRE-EUD-A121
Availability: In stock
Quantity: 100 pcs.
Explore Adobe’s creativity and design apps. Whether they want to edit photos, make videos, create presentations, or design infographics, apps, or websites, Adobe’s creativity and design apps give students the...