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Digital thermometer with flexible tip Medisana TM 700
Brand: Medisana
Model: 77040
Warranty: 36 Months
Availability: Pre-order 3-7 W. Days
Quantity: 42 pcs.
Kraadiklaas ProfiCare PCFT3057
Brand: ProfiCare
Model: PCFT3057
Availability: Pre-order 3-6 W. Days
Quantity: 2 pcs.
ORO-MED Digital thermometer ORO-MED FLEXI blue
Brand: ORO-MED
Model: Termometr cyfrowy ORO-MED FLEXI_BLUE
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 5-8 W. Days
Quantity: 3 pcs.
Digital thermometer ORO-MED FLEXI blue LCD display Ease of reading Beep indicates the end of the measurement Extremely flexible tip
ORO-MED Digital thermometer ORO-FLEXI FIO
Brand: ORO-MED
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 5-8 W. Days
Quantity: 6 pcs.
Easy-to-read LCD display (liquid crystal display) Compact, accurate device and rugged LSI device (high integration scale) Possible temperature measurement under the tongue (oral measurement) or under the arm (axillary me...
Brand: Omron
Model: BASIC MC-246-E4
Warranty: 60 Months
Availability: Pre-order 3-7 W. Days
Quantity: 68 pcs.
Brand: Sencor
Model: SCA BA99
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 5-8 W. Days
Quantity: 20 pcs.
Esperanza ECT002 digital body thermometer Remote sensing thermometer Purple, White Ear, Forehead, Oral, Rectal, Underarm Buttons
Brand: Esperanza
Model: ECT002
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 3-7 W. Days
Quantity: 9 pcs.
Termomeeter Manta WDKLEWQ001
Brand: Manta
Model: WDKLEWQ001
Availability: Pre-order 3-6 W. Days
Quantity: 45 pcs.
Mesmed Hygrometer MesMed MM-778 Higo Plus
Brand: Mesmed
Model: MM778
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 5-8 W. Days
Quantity: 1 pcs.
Higrometr Higo Plus służy do kontroli istotnych dla naszego samopoczucia parametrów: wilgotności i temperatury powietrza. Urządzenie sprawdzi się zarówno w domu, jak i w biurze oraz każdym innym pomieszczeniu, w którym i...
Non-Contact Thermometer 2 in 1 DEPAN PC868
Brand: Helbo
Model: DIOHEBTDC0001
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 3-7 W. Days
Quantity: 11 pcs.
Kuuldeaparaat Beurer HA20 / 641.06
Brand: Beurer
Model: 641.06
Availability: Pre-order 1-4 W. Days
Quantity: 5 pcs.
• Kuuldeaparaati on võimalik kasutada nii vasakus kui ka paremas kõrvas.• Võimendab ruumis ja väliskeskkonnas kuulduvaid helisid.• Kaasas on kolm eri suuruses kõrvaotsikut...
Metabo Two-dimensional belt, Black | metabo
Brand: metabo
Model: 628428000
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 1-3 W. Days
Quantity: 1 pcs.
HI-TECH MEDICAL ORO-BABY COLOR digital body thermometer Remote sensing thermometer
Brand: Oromed
Warranty: 12 Months
Availability: Pre-order 3-7 W. Days
Quantity: 6 pcs.
BLOW Breathalyser Blow 3300
Brand: BLOW
Model: 50-526#
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 5-8 W. Days
Quantity: 2 pcs.
The BLOW digital breathalyzer will show you the alcohol concentration in your body in a few seconds and will give you the answer to the question whether you can drive a car. Precise and accurate sensor Mouthless Clear LC...
Brand: Sencor
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 5-8 W. Days
Quantity: 6 pcs.
Alkomat z wyświetlaczem LCD.
Infrared multifunctional thermometer Medisana TM 750
Brand: Medisana
Model: TM 750
Warranty: 36 Months
Availability: Pre-order 3-7 W. Days
Quantity: 112 pcs.
Braun ThermoScan 3 Contact White Ear
Brand: Braun
Model: IRT3030
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 3-7 W. Days
Quantity: 30 pcs.
Sencor Beathalyser SCA BA01v2
Brand: Sencor
Model: SCA BA01v2
Availability: Pre-order 5-8 W. Days
Quantity: 5 pcs.
Promedix PR-960 non-contact infrared medical thermometer
Brand: Promedix
Model: PR-960
Warranty: 12 Months
Availability: Pre-order 3-7 W. Days
Quantity: 200 pcs.
Sencor SENCOR SCA BA02 Breath alcohol analyzer
Brand: Sencor
Model: SCA BA02
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 5-8 W. Days
Quantity: 6 pcs.
Breathalyser It is used to measure the alcohol content in the exhaled air Measuring range: 0.2 - 1.5 (LO result means less than 0.2) Device out of calibration warning when deviation is 0.2
Mesmed Multifunctional medical thermometer MM-007 Forst Plus
Brand: Mesmed
Model: MM007 Forst Plus
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 5-8 W. Days
Quantity: 3 pcs.
Modern thermometer allows you to measure the temperature, without contact of the device with the body, which gives a guarantee of safety and hygiene. The device provides accurate, reliable and instant temperature measure...
Mesmed Thermometer MesMed MM-337 Unue
Brand: Mesmed
Model: zzpr170
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 5-8 W. Days
Quantity: 1 pcs.
Wielofunkcyjny termometr lekarski z kolorowym wyświetlaczem został zaprojektowany z myślą o użytku profesjonalnym jak i domowym. Funkcja bezdotykowego mierzenia temperatury zapewnia higieniczny i bezinwazyjny pomiar temp...
Pulssoksümeeter Beurer / PO35
Brand: Beurer
Model: PO35
Availability: Pre-order 1-4 W. Days
Quantity: 5 pcs.
PO 35 avaldab muljet oma lihtsa ja täiesti valutu kasutamisega. Tänu oma kompaktsele disainile saab seda kasutada nii kodus kui ka liikvel olles.• Arteriaalse hapnikutaseme (SpO2) ja südame lö&ou...
ORO-MED Non contact thermometer ORO-T30BABY
Brand: ORO-MED
Model: ORO-T30BABY
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 5-8 W. Days
Quantity: 8 pcs.
ORO-T30BABY contactless thermometer The thermometer is used to measure the temperature on the forehead, ambient temperature and objects (eg milk in a bottle) Measurement time: 1 second Three-color temperature level ident...
Oromed ORO-T60 PERFECT Remote sensing thermometer Blue, White Universal Buttons
Brand: Oromed
Model: DIOOROTDC0002
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 3-7 W. Days
Quantity: 4 pcs.
Braun Blutsauerstoffmessgerät Pulse - YK-81CEU
Brand: Braun
Model: 081018
Availability: Pre-order 4-8 W. Days
Quantity: 49 pcs.
Beurer, 100 W, valge - Infrapunalamp / IL11NEW
Brand: Beurer
Model: IL11NEW
Availability: Pre-order 1-4 W. Days
Quantity: 5 pcs.
See infrapunalamp pakub rahustavat soojust külmetushaiguste ja lihaspingete korral. Kõige sobivama nurga leiad 5 reguleeritava nurga abil.• Rahustav soojus• Külmetushaiguste ja lihaspingete vas...
Kuuldeaparaat Beurer HA50
Brand: Beurer
Model: HA50
Availability: Pre-order 1-4 W. Days
Quantity: 5 pcs.
• Sobib piiratud kuulmisega inimestele• Mugav, kõrva taga on vaevu märgatav• Võimendab ruumis ja väliskeskkonnas kuulduvaid helisid• Pidevalt reguleeritav helitugevus• 3 k...
Sääsehammustuse leevendaja Beurer / BR60
Brand: Beurer
Model: BR60
Availability: Pre-order 1-4 W. Days
Quantity: 5 pcs.
Putukahammustuste ennetamine looduslike vahenditega ei ole lihtne. Sellepärast olemegi loonud BR 60 putukahammustuse leevendaja, mis on täielikult kemikaalivaba. • Saavutab umbes 50 °C temperatuuri, mi...
Braun Thermometer ThermoScan 3 IRT3030
Brand: Braun
Model: 330307
Availability: Pre-order 4-8 W. Days
Quantity: 20 pcs.