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Smart Light
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Smart Light Bulb|TP-LINK|Power consumption 2.9 Watts|Luminous flux 350 Lumen|2700 K|Beam angle 40 degrees|TAPOL610
Brand: Tp-link
Model: TAPOL610
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 2-3 W. Days
Quantity: 5 pcs.
Installation GU10 | Power consumption 2.9 Watts | Luminous flux 350 Lumen | Light colour temperature 2700 K | Beam angle 40 degrees | Dimensions D50 x 55.2 mm
XIAOMI Bulb Smart LED Warm White
Model: 26688
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 5-8 W. Days
Quantity: 30 pcs.
Żarówka Inteligentna Wi-Fi Xiaomi Mi LED Smart Bulb Warm White 2700K Wystarczy, że zainstalujesz aplikację mobilną Xiaomi Home, połączysz się z Wi-Fi i możesz sterować żarówką. Wedle swojego uznania ustawiać jasność oraz...
TP-LINK | Smart Wi-Fi Light Bulb | Tapo L510E
Brand: TP-LINK
Model: Tapo L510E
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 1-3 W. Days
Quantity: 10 pcs.
TP-LINK | Smart Wi-Fi Light Bulb | Tapo L520E
Brand: TP-LINK
Model: Tapo L520E
Warranty: 60 Months
Availability: Pre-order 1-3 W. Days
Quantity: 5 pcs.
TP-LINK Tapo L510E Light Bulb Smart WiFi
Brand: TP-LINK
Model: Tapo L510E
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 5-8 W. Days
Quantity: 11 pcs.
Szybkie dostosowywanie jasnościDostosuj oświetlenie do sytuacji i pory dnia, by zawsze czuć się w swoim domu komfortowo. Wygodny zapis ustawieńUdało Ci się znaleźć idealne światło do oglądania filmów? Zapisz to ustawieni...
TP-LINK Bulb Tapo Smart WiFi L530E
Brand: TP-LINK
Model: Tapo L520E
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 5-8 W. Days
Quantity: 2 pcs.
Bulb Tapo Smart WiFi L530E Dimmable No Hub Required Voice Control (works with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant) Remote Control Schedule and Timer Easy Setup Away Mode Energy Monitoring Devices Sharing
TP-Link L530E, Wi-Fi, värviline - Nutivalgusti / TAPOL530E
Brand: Tplink
Model: TAPOL530E
Availability: Pre-order 1-4 W. Days
Quantity: 5 pcs.
Värvi Oma Elu Vastavalt SoovideleTP-Link Tapo L530E nutikas lamp võimaldab sul tuua oma ellu värvikust ja valgust vastavalt oma meeleolule. Kasuta 16 000 000 erinevat värvitooni, et kohandada heledu...
Smart Light Bulb|TP-LINK|Power consumption 8.7 Watts|Luminous flux 806 Lumen|6500 K|Beam angle 220 degrees|TAPOL530E
Brand: Tp-link
Model: TAPOL530E
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 2-3 W. Days
Quantity: 17 pcs.
Installation E27 | Power consumption 8.7 Watts | Luminous flux 806 Lumen | Light colour temperature 6500 K | Beam angle 220 degrees | Dimensions 115 × 60 mm
Smart Light Bulb|TP-LINK|Power consumption 3.7 Watts|Luminous flux 350 Lumen|Beam angle 40 degrees|0 ºC~ 40 ºC|TAPOL630
Brand: Tp-link
Model: TAPOL630
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 2-3 W. Days
Quantity: 2 pcs.
Installation GU10 | Power consumption 3.7 Watts | Luminous flux 350 Lumen | Beam angle 40 degrees | Operating temperature range 0 ºC~ 40 ºC | Dimensions D50 x 55.2 mm
TP-LINK | Smart Wi-Fi Light Bulb | Tapo L530E | Multicolor
Brand: TP-LINK
Model: Tapo L530E
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 1-3 W. Days
Quantity: 10 pcs.
Yeelight|LED Lightstrip Pro Extention 1m|2.1 W|WLAN, Bluetooth
Brand: Yeelight
Model: YLDD007
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 1-3 W. Days
Quantity: 3 pcs.
Xiaomi Mi Smart LED Bulb White, E27, valge - LED lamp / 26688
Brand: Xiaomi
Model: 26688
Availability: Pre-order 1-4 W. Days
Quantity: 5 pcs.
• 2700K soe valge valgus• Kohandatav valgustugevus• Nutikas juhtimine
XIAOMI Smart LED Bulb Essential White and color
Model: 37696
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 5-8 W. Days
Quantity: 30 pcs.
Żarówka Inteligentna Wi-Fi Xiaomi Mi Smart LED Bulb Essential RGBW (White and Color) Żarówka z możliwością regulowania temperatury barwowej i intensywności światła. Dostosuj temperaturę światła, aby idealnie podkreślała...
Smart Light Bulb|MEROSS|Power consumption 6 Watts|2700 K|Beam angle 180 degrees|MSL100HK(EU)
Brand: Meross
Model: MSL100HK(EU)
Warranty: 12 Months
Availability: Pre-order 2-3 W. Days
Quantity: 9 pcs.
Installation E27 | Power consumption 6 Watts | Light colour temperature 2700 K | Beam angle 180 degrees
Yeelight | Motion sensor closet light | YLCG004-B | 100 lm | 2.3 W | 2700 K | Lamp | 5 V YLCG004 Black
Brand: Yeelight
Model: YLCG004 Black
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 1-3 W. Days
Quantity: 10 pcs.
Philips WiZ LED Smart Bulb, 60 W, E27, RGB - Nutivalgusti / 929003601021
Brand: Philips
Model: 929003601021
Availability: Pre-order 1-4 W. Days
Quantity: 2 pcs.
Nautige mugavamat igapäevaelu selle nutika WiZ LED A60 pirniga. See pirn annab pehmet valget valgust, mille saab hämardada soovitud eredusele rakenduse kaudu või hääljuhtimisega. Saate seadista...
Xiaomi Mi Night Light 2, liikumisandur, valge - Nutikas öölamp / BHR5278GL
Brand: Xiaomi
Model: BHR5278GL
Availability: Pre-order 1-4 W. Days
Quantity: 5 pcs.
Kohandage oma sobilik öövalgustiMi Motion-Activated Night Light 2 suudab tuvastada inimeste liikumist pimedas. Pärast tuvastamist lülitub tuli sisse. Seadmete uuendused on tehtud teie heaolu arvestade...
Smart Lightstrip|AQARA|Aqara LED Strip T1|ZigBee|RLSE-K01D
Brand: Aqara
Model: RLSE-K01D
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 2-3 W. Days
Quantity: 12 pcs.
Aqara LED Strip T1 | ZigBee
Smart Lightstrip|TP-LINK|13.5 Watts|TAPOL900-5
Brand: Tp-link
Model: TAPOL900-5
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 2-3 W. Days
Quantity: 5 pcs.
Power consumption 13.5 Watts | Dimensions 5000*10*1.6 mm
TRACER Scandi White desk lamp
Brand: Tracer
Model: TRAOSW47235
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 1-5 W. Days
Quantity: 6 pcs.
TRACER Scandi White desk lamp 80036469 TRAOSW47235
TP-LINK | Smart Wi-Fi Light Strip | Tapo L900-5 | Multicolor
Brand: TP-LINK
Model: Tapo L900-5
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 1-3 W. Days
Quantity: 10 pcs.
TRACER Scandi Grey desk lamp
Brand: Tracer
Model: TRAOSW47236
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 1-5 W. Days
Quantity: 3 pcs.
TRACER Scandi Grey desk lamp 80036469 TRAOSW47236
Philips WiZ LED Smart Bulb, 100 W, E27, valge - Nutivalgusti / 929002449621
Brand: Philips
Model: 929002449621
Availability: Pre-order 1-4 W. Days
Quantity: 1 pcs.
Suure luumenite arvuga Philips Smart LED-i A67 pirn pakub teie kodu standardsetele valgustitele sooja või külma valge valguse varjundeid. Pirn on WiZ-iga ühendatud. Kasutage oma olemasolevat Wi-Fi-ü...
Xiaomi Mi Smart LED Smart Bulb Essential, White and Color, E27, valge - Nutivalgusti / BHR5743EU
Brand: Xiaomi
Model: BHR5743EU
Availability: Pre-order 1-4 W. Days
Quantity: 1 pcs.
Värvige oma kodu värvidegaMi LED Smart Bulb Essential pakub erakordselt ühtlast valgustust 16 miljoni värvi seast, kasutades kõrgelt integreeritud värvilisi LED-e ja optimeeritud optilist...
Smart Home Device|TP-LINK|Tapo S200D|White|TAPOS200D
Brand: Tp-link
Model: TAPOS200D
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 2-3 W. Days
Quantity: 3 pcs.
Tapo S200D | Colour White | Dimensions 86 × 86 × 23.7 mm
Smart Light Bulb|PHILIPS|Power consumption 5.5 Watts|Luminous flux 470 Lumen|2700 K|220-240V|Bluetooth/ZigBee|929003021101
Brand: Philips
Model: 929003021101
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 2-3 W. Days
Quantity: 4 pcs.
Installation E14 | Power consumption 5.5 Watts | Luminous flux 470 Lumen | Light colour temperature 2700 K | Voltage 220-240V
Smart Light Bulb|TP-LINK|Power consumption 8.6 Watts|Luminous flux 1055 Lumen|6500 K|240V|Beam angle 220 degrees|TAPOL535E
Brand: Tp-link
Model: TAPOL535E
Warranty: 24 Months
Availability: Pre-order 2-3 W. Days
Quantity: 4 pcs.
Installation E27 | Power consumption 8.6 Watts | Luminous flux 1055 Lumen | Light colour temperature 6500 K | Voltage 240V | Beam angle 220 degrees | Dimensions 115 × 60 mm
Aqara LED Bulb T2, E27, valge - Nutivalgusti / LB-L02E
Brand: Aqara
Model: LB-L02E
Availability: Pre-order 1-4 W. Days
Quantity: 5 pcs.
Aqara LED Bulb T2 (E27) on nutikas valge LED-pirn, mis toetab nii Zigbee kui ka Thread ühendust, pakkudes sujuvat ühilduvust erinevate nutikodu süsteemidega. Kohandatav värvitemperatuur ja Apple HomeK...
Aqara LED Bulb T2, GU10, valge - Nutivalgusti / LB-L03E
Brand: Aqara
Model: LB-L03E
Availability: Pre-order 1-4 W. Days
Quantity: 1 pcs.
Aqara LED Bulb T2 (CCT) on nutikas valguslahendus, mis pakub reguleeritavat valget valgust (2700K–6500K) ja ühilduvust nii Zigbee kui ka Thread ühendustega. Sobib ideaalselt Aqara Home ja Apple Home ö...
Philips WiZ LED Smart Bulb, 100 W, E27, RGB - Nutivalgusti / 929002449721
Brand: Philips
Model: 929002449721
Availability: Pre-order 1-4 W. Days
Quantity: 5 pcs.
Philips Smart LED-i A67 pirn pakub teie kodu standardsetele valgustitele suure luumenite arvu ja täisvalikus värvidega valgust. Pirn on WiZ-iga ühendatud. Kasutage oma olemasolevat Wi-Fi-ühendust, et...